I finally feel like myself again

It happens every year.  The earth passes perihelion, the point in its orbit where it is closest to the sun.  It reaches this point, where it is about 91 million miles away from the sun, in January. It then glides along at about 70,000 mph towards the equinox which actually takes it a few million miles further from the sun.  Here the earth’s tilt allows it to face the sun at an angle that magnifies its light on the northern hemisphere.  This brings longer days and warmer weather, and the transition from winter to Spring.  It happens every year. 

Meteorological Spring began March 1 and Astrological Spring started March 20.  Here on earth is was still snowing on tax day,  April 15.  Actually that was delayed too.  It was kind like hearing a funny noise when you start your car in the morning.  Could something be broken? 

But it happened.  Almost instantly.  First the sun came out, then it rained, and all of sudden green grass was popping out of the ground.  Tree branches sprouted buds, flowers began blooming.  Better late than never.

Then on May 6, it was time to start Breaking the Cycle’s  fourth season of mountain bike rides with teens in recovery.  Living life on life’s terms is a staple principle of recovery.  Last Sunday,  life’s terms produced some very comfortable temperatures, partly cloudy skies, and firm dirt with just enough mud to put a smile on your face. 

This year we have some new ride leaders, including a former BTC participant. For the second year, we have a trailer to tow gear and bikes.  This year we have some new bikes from Kona that have more a modern design to provide more capability on the trail for the teens to ride.  The group is trying to learn from past seasons and trying to make the program more engaging and fun for all. 

“This is a great day.  I finally feel like myself again,” was the quote of the day, and probably spoke for all of us.   Could it be that the long dreary winter that makes the new Spring even brighter?  Without the dark times we’ve endured, we wouldn’t have these amazing rides to share.  Every ride is a gift.  And with help some help, it will happen every year.
